Announcing the 2024 TCNAA Hall of Fame Inductees

Mary Hoskins Coleman ’70 – Government & Law
David Oscar Groomes ’81 – Science
Montoya Taylor, MD ’04 – Medicine
Gerry E. Wilson ’76 – Community Service


Hall of Fame Ceremony

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2024, 7:00 P.M.
Jackson Convention Center
105 E. Pascagoula Street
Jackson, MS 39201

For Induction Ceremony Reservations Navigate to:

Ad Journal Purchase

A souvenir program book will be printed to commemorate this prestigious occasion. We encourage you to send a congratulatory message to the inductees. The advertisement rates are as follows:

■ Outside Back Cover ------ $1,000
■ Inside Front Cover in Color - $750
■ Inside Back Cover in Color - $500
■ Full-Color Page -------- -- $300
■ Full Page ------------ ---- $100
■ Half Page ----------- ----- $60
■ Quarter Page ------------- $40
■ Business Card ------ ------ $25
■ Patron’s List --------------- $15

■ All advertisements must be submitted camera ready to:
Advertising deadline: October 5, 2024 (Final date for receipt of all advertisements. Ads received after October 5, 2024, are not guaranteed to be included in the souvenir journal. No refunds.)
■ The souvenir book will be printed in black & white with the exception of the cover and full color pages.
■ All donations are tax deductible.

Make A Donation In Support of An Inductee Here:

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