TCNAA Returning Student Book Scholarship

The Tougaloo College National Alumni Association is happy to present four qualifying, returning students with a $500 book scholarship.

To apply, students must be enrolled at Tougaloo College for the 2024-2025 academic year, have a 3.0 cumulative Tougaloo GPA, and completed a minimum 20 hours of community service.

Complete the following application and upload completed Community Service Verification form. The forms can be found at Send unofficial transcripts to Transcripts should verify a current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above. No scholarship application will be considered if candidate’s GPA is below 3.0.

The cutoff date for  submitting  the Fall 2024 scholarship application has been extended to August 12th.
Recipient will be notified of award by August 17th.

All funds will be distributed directly to Tougaloo College and are non-transferable to other educational institutions.

* Required fields.


*Download, complete and save the fillable Community Service Verification form then email the file to
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