Tanya Bartee

Leadership is more than a position. Leadership is being the example, evolving beyond the present with new ideas, valuing others, building relationships, listening actively, using effective decision-making skills, collaborating, communicating with clarity, and creating an atmosphere of trust and excellence.

The leadership characteristics listed above are ones that I have consistently applied throughout my professional and personal life. A few of my professional experiences have included being a teacher, principal, mentor, and learning facilitator. Personally, I am active in various service organizations. Since graduating from Tougaloo College in 1996, I have served as the Memphis Area Tougaloo Alumni Chapter president and treasurer and TCNAA Board Secretary. Currently, I serve as the TCNAA Board of Directors Vice-Chairwoman and as TCNAA Southeastern Regional Representative. I look forward to the opportunity to continue to serve and be engaged with Tougaloo College and TCNAA.

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