TCNAA Web Site Guidelines and Protocol

In order to ensure that the web site conforms to high standards for content, performance, reliability and security, these guidelines and protocol been established. Only information that supports or enhances the mission of the Tougaloo College National Alumni Association will be posted on the web site. This website will be managed within the framework of the following guidelines. It may be necessary to make modifications or additions to these guidelines from time to time due to advances in technology or other conditions as determined by the Tougaloo College National Alumni Association. TCNAA Web Site ( Guidelines & Protocol
  • Material may be submitted for posting by the President, Members of the Executive Committee, Alumni Representatives to the Board of Trustees, regional representatives, or chapter presidents.
  • Web site administrator should have sole access to site editing functions.
  • Changes or additional features that alter the web site’s function, i.e. from informational to interactive or advocacy should require approval from TCNAA (Executive Committee), i.e. hosting chat or discussion groups, or posting web based alumni information update forms.
  • While the current version of is an information only web site, the privacy policy and disclaimer (see attached) shall be honored in the event that web site become interactive (send and receive information from visitors).
  • Calendar events for local chapters and non-TCNAA events should be submitted by chapter presidents. Postings shall consist of College, TCNAA and local chapter sponsored events. Also activities with College and alumni participation may be posted, i.e. UNCF sponsored functions or job fairs where recruiting for the College takes place. The administrator reserves the right to consult with the Exec. Committee on all non-alumni sponsored events before posting.
  • Requests for local chapter fundraiser postings should be submitted by chapter presidents and approved by the Executive Committee.
  • College press releases, notices and newsworthy items may be posted when submitted by the Director of Public Relation or other College official at the Director level or above. The Office of Alumni Affairs should serve as a clearing house for Materials submitted by the College.
  • Pre-Alumni Club postings and web page requests should be submitted by the Director of Alumni Affairs.
  • No advertising or uncompensated promotions will be posted.
  • Approved item submitted in electronic format will be posted in a timely manner, i.e. within 48 hours by the administrator. Reformatting may take longer depending on format and length.
  • In addition to meeting the approval criteria, all items submitted for posting will be required to include a contact person, contact’s phone number, email address or postal address.
  • No items will be included on the web site unless it has been verified to be authentic and accurate by the web site administrator.
  • Contributors are encouraged to submit items electronically, i.e. email and MS Word “.doc” files to the web site administrator. Pre-coded web pages (i.e. FrontPage files) may be submitted.
  • Information downloaded from the “Resources” page shall be free of known computer viruses and malicious code.
  • All electronically submitted material including pre-coded web site content will be scanned for malicious code (web bugs, computer viruses, etc). This will include third party applications such as guest books, animations and undocumented scripts.
  • All links will be reviewed to ensure functionality and adherence to standards listed in these guidelines.
Local Chapter Web Site Guidelines With its own domain name and web site TCNAA now has the ability to host local chapter web pages. These pages are a subset of files saved on the directory of the host server. With adequate navigation and designed these pages appears and function as an individual web sites. In order to assure the standards established by the national chapter the following guidelines and protocols are suggested. These guidelines were created facilitate the uniform submission of material from local chapters they may be changed from time to time as need in order to keep current with the changing technological and social environment. 
  • Chapter presidents shall approve all of the content and updates to local chapter web sites.
  • Local chapters may promote their own fundraisers on their web pages (when approved by chapter presidents).
  • No advertising. Web pages should not contain banner ads. Source code that contain web bug or pop-up ads will not be allowed as they may violate the privacy policy.
  • Third party tools that may require branding may be allowed but will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, i.e. guest books.
  • Text and essential graphics only on home page (no animation, no sound or video).
  • Dark text on white background to optimize video screen and printed page contrast.
  • The administrator reserves the rights to limit the size of chapter web files based on the total amount of web space allotted to
  • TCNAA Privacy Policy shall apply to all local chapter web pages.
  • Provide ample navigation on each page: helps visitors to find information and return to the home page.
  • Links will be examined to ensure functionality and content.
  • Provide contact information including phone numbers and email addresses.
  • Examples of what may be considered good local chapter web page design can be viewed at:
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